En este libro, "Abriendo y Cerrando Puertas", hay doce puertas de Jerusalén. Cada puerta tiene un significado y una llave, ¿por qué puerta te gustaría entra
Dos jóvenes periodistas en paro, hartos de la situación laboral en España, cogieron la calculadora y echaron cuentas: 6.000 € en alquiler, 1.340 € en gas
Discover the secret Joshua gave the Israelites for prosperity and success: keeping God’s Word in your mouth through memorization and in your heart through med
First Published in a single volume in 1883, the stories collected in Little Novels of Sicily are drawn from the Sicily of Giovanni Verga's childhood, reported a
In 2007, the United Nations adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, a landmark political recognition of indigenous rights. A decade later