In a post-apocalyptic world plagued by demons, Pyre is the last great city left on Earth. For its inhabitants, it offers a simple deal: conform to its god, Mora
Corona may have been saved from the horrible power of the demon dactyl, but not all is safe... Pony and Elbryan face continued peril from the corrupt church as
In Peachville, even the cheerleaders have a dark side... Harper Madison isn’t like other girls. She has extraordinary powers, but her inability to control the
“Salvatore’s strongest fantasy to date . . . [His] potent mixture of detailed historical context, wellrounded characters, brisk pacing, and exciting battle
“Salvatore [is] one of the premier writers in fantasy.”—The News-Star (Monroe, LA) From his usurped throne in Ursal, Aydrian, son of former queen Jilsepon