Theosophy is the renaissance of ancient spiritualism. Theosophy is Archaic Wisdom-Religion, as taught by Masters and Magi, Sages and Hierophants, Prophets and P
Authors: Jerome A. Anderson, H.P. Blavatsky, J.D. Buck, J.H. Connelly, Robert Crosbie, Thomas Green, G. Hijo, Katherine Hillard, Charles Johnston, Archibald Keightley, Julia W.L. Keightley, August Lindström, W. Main, E. August Neresheimer, Elliott B. Page, Ernest E. Pelletier, E.B. Rambo, A.H. Spencer, Claude Falls Wright.
Categories: Religion
Type: BOOK - Published: 2021-08-30 - Publisher: Philaletheians UK
William Quan Judge cast no one out of the sanctuary of his heart. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was the Knight errant, who fought amid the beating of drums, and the
Hermes is the Greek god of the Word, of thought and magic, the swift-moving messenger of the Divine and guardian of souls in the Afterlife. In Ancient Egypt he