In a world of evens, you have to be ODD. Imagine a world in which you live your way and embrace the wondrous peculiarities of your personality, talents, desires
Contrary to common theories, it is not only good to focus internally, but it's actually healthy to the point of being crucial to developing a loving, spiritual
The Poetry of Emmett Lee Dickinson, Emily Dickinsons Third Cousin, Twice Removed (at her request) Cummings Around Again Parodies of some of Cummings Most Well-K
"It is fast-moving and often downright funny."—New York Times "He has recaptured childish innocence and presented it with adult enlightenment—plus a touch o
All religions have worked hard to give you the impression that I'm a stiff; the kind of guy you'd never invite to a party. . . . I like laughter and the people