Constant Magical Academy has a new transfer student named Keina Doronz. Not only does she have almost the same name as Akuto's friend Keena, but she also has an
The Earth has been destroyed by a meteor from outer space. In the afterlife, Akuto and the heroines find a recreation of the world as it was before he became de
Shocking truths are revealed now that Keena has become Empress. What is the Empire? What is the world? What secret power is given only to the royal family? A be
Akuto has awakened as the Demon King, and has declared that he will kill the gods. Now he faces thousands of troops, Eiko Teruya, and his friends, Junko and Hir
Far in the future, Japan has become a land ruled by magic and those who wield it. Akuto Sai arrives at Constant Magical Academy--the most prestigious magic scho