"In this section of the book, I discuss the following: 1. why 1:1s; 2. communicating about 1:1s; 3. 1:1 cadence; 4. scheduling and location of 1:1s; 5. question
No organization made up of human beings is immune from the all-too-common meeting gripes: those that fail to engage, those that inadvertently encourage particip
You can't choose who you fall in love with, they say. If only it were that simple. Growing up in Walsall in the 1990s, Huma straddled two worlds - school and te
I'm So Glad You Found Me in Here, co-written by college graduate Matt Hobson, a nonverbal young man living with autism, and his mother, Nancy, is a touching sto
A Little Piece Of Ground will help young readers understand more about one of the worst conflicts afflicting our world today. Written by Elizabeth Laird, one of