1. Fearism is a gift to the world from Nepali. Prof. Dr Tanka Prasad Neupane, Chairman, Fearism Study Centre: Baicharik Chintan, 2066 v.s. 2. Fearism of Desh Su
This book is about a new philosophy that takes a specific focus on see the critical historical and everyday importance of the nature and role of fear in human e
With the growing awareness of many critics of risk society, the culture of fear and the dangerous rising levels of unhealthy fear around individual, group, and
In a world full of doubt and despair, we are yet to realize the invaluable importance of societal coherence and correspondence, especially in relation to our pl
In philosophy and language, for the first time relativity theory, time travel, and law of motions, is applied in this book. "The 17th century was the century of